Restos de la frustrada misión rusa a Marte caerán al Atlántico el domingo, caeran sobre 200 Kilos.
Remains of the failed Russian Mars mission will fall into the Atlantic on Sunday.
La agencia espacial rusa Roscosmos prevé que los fragmentos de la sonda interplanetaria rusa Fobos-Grunt caigan a las 17.22 horas --hora española-- del domingo 15 de enero en el Atlántico, una zona comprendida entre los grados 51,4 latitud norte y 51,4 latitud sur, según informa la agencia de noticias rusa Ria Novosti,... Sigue toda la noticia en EUROPA PRESS
The Russian space agency Roscosmos expected fragments of the Russian interplanetary probe Phobos-Grunt fall to 17.22 hours -Spanish time - Sunday January 15 in the Atlantic, an area between 51.4 degrees north latitude and 51, 4 south latitude, according to Russian news agency Ria Novosti, ... Follow all the news IRIN
The Russian space agency Roscosmos expected fragments of the Russian interplanetary probe Phobos-Grunt fall to 17.22 hours -Spanish time - Sunday January 15 in the Atlantic, an area between 51.4 degrees north latitude and 51, 4 south latitude, according to Russian news agency Ria Novosti, ... Follow all the news IRIN