Kepler descubre otros once sistemas planetarios con 26 inquilinos.
(Kepler discovered eleven other planetary systems with 26 tenants).
La misión Kepler de la NASA ha descubierto 11 nuevos sistemas planetarios que alojan nada menos que 26 nuevos planetas confirmados. Estos descubrimientos casi duplican el número de planetas verificados por Kepler, y triplican el número de estrellas conocidas que tienen más de un planeta que transita o pasa por delante de su estrella anfitriona. Estos sistemas ayudarán a los astrónomos a comprender mejor cómo se forman los planetas.
"Antes de la misión Kepler, se sabía de unos 500 exoplanetas a través de todo el cielo", dijo Doug Hudgins, científico de este programa de la NASA en Washington. "Ahora, en sólo dos años, mirando en un trozo de cielo no mayor que un puño, Kepler ha descubierto más de 60 planetas y más de 2.300 candidatos a planeta. Esto nos dice que nuestra galaxia está atestada de planetas de todos los tamaños y órbitas".
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The NASA Kepler mission has discovered 11 new planetary systems that host no less than 26 new planets confirmed. These findings are nearly double the number of planets verified by Kepler, and tripling the number of stars known to have more than one or transiting planet passes in front of its host star. These systems will help astronomers better understand how planets form.
"Before the mission Kepler, about 500 known exoplanets across the sky," said Doug Hudgins, the program scientist at NASA in Washington. "Now, in just two years, looking at a piece of sky no bigger than a fist, Kepler has discovered more than 60 planets and more than 2,300 candidate planets. This tells us that our galaxy is teeming with planets of all sizes and orbits ".
"Before the mission Kepler, about 500 known exoplanets across the sky," said Doug Hudgins, the program scientist at NASA in Washington. "Now, in just two years, looking at a piece of sky no bigger than a fist, Kepler has discovered more than 60 planets and more than 2,300 candidate planets. This tells us that our galaxy is teeming with planets of all sizes and orbits ".
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